Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 17 - Mon 11 May

The view from our room
We've got a nice room on the 14th floor.

Breakfast in a 50's diner
An American breakfast, two eggs (over easy), bacon and toast...
thankfully no swine flu!

The "50's" diner
We listened to Elvis on a small juke box on our table :)

Who are those two, they keep popping up!

Two oompa loompas ...or are they munchkins?
Those American food portions have taken there toll!

Jolly Jack
He was worth 25 cents of anyones money, he laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Elaine was very amused, but then she is very easily pleased.

Peter's favourite arcade game
We visited Musee Mecanique, a collection of old arcsade games from right back to the 1900's. This game was released back in 1983 and was based around the original Star Wars movie. You pilot Luke's X-wing fighter through several different levels....
Note from Elaine "blah blah blah!"

Waiting in line...
But for what?

The garbage truck of course!
Only Elaine would wait to take pictures of a garbage truck full of rotting fish, and yes, it smelt as bad as you would expect!!

Even here the police are after us !

Fishermans Wharf harbour
Just lots of fishing boats.

Peter disables a clockwork police car

Pier 39

Elmo, about to get squashed by a large metal pelican.

Themed hot dog stands

Elmo gets hungry
An interesting take out stand.
Elaine's gone native
She's spent too much time here in the USA.

Seals basking next to Pier 39
More grumpy seals, but Elaine loves their grumpiness!

For my next trick....

Cable car back to the hotel

Guess what we went to see at the cinema?
OMG ... how good is this film? (Peter REALLY enjoyed it!)

The new Enterprise ...
Only kidding. Go and see the film, you won't be dissapointed.

Driven today - 0 miles
Running total = 2,573 miles


  1. Now i'm really worried about Star Trek. Pete thought Batman and Robin was a great film.

  2. Pete is that a little car or have you been eating a few to many burgers!!. Excellent pictures by the way Elaine, enjoying them very much. I guess the 'bum' shot was a self portrait
