Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 03 - Mon 27 April

Just before sunrise
Still out with the clocks, and woke at about 04:00 so decided to get up and watch the sunrise over the canyon.
Sunrise over the canyon
Difficult to get a picture to do it justice, but it was worth getting up.

Early morning sun on the canyon
Chief SillyGetUp welcomes the new day...
After most people had gone, and while we were still watching the sun come up to see how it changed the look of the canyon, Mr "I wear a blanket, so I must be native" turns up, and gets out his pan pipes. Does his Clangers impression for a bit, and stares mystically into the canyon ... before whipping out his digital camera to take a pic (wish we had a shot of that!).
He was playing to an audience, just surprised he didn't pass around the hat for donations to the cause :)
The Big Giant Head welcomes the dawn
Now this was the real deal.... one for Steve (you know who you are)
Elaine & Elmo enjoying the early morning views
More canyon views
Pictures don't really do it justice, it is pretty damn impressive. We spent the rest of the day exploring the West part of the South rim, on foot and by shuttle bus.
Honestly, dogs don't fly !
He's French ... need we say more? Who does he think he is, Michael Jackson?
Us and the big hole
Elaine doing her thing
Elmo doing his thing

Some canyon wildlife
Sunset over the canyon
It was a long day, but well worth it, seeing the canyon from sunrise to sunset. Lots more photos if anyone is interested:)
Driven today = 15 miles
Running total = 401 miles

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