Early morning blue jay
Our last day at the Grand Canyon, and it was an early start again. We decided to walk down into the canyon for a bit before we left, and we saw this bird as we walked to the rim.
Going down is the easy bit
We took the Bright Angel trail, which leads all the way to the river. Needless to say we were not going to do THAT! It's recommended you do that over 2 days. As you can see, the early morning sun is just starting to come up.

The Bright Angel trail
It's a long way down,
It's pretty steep ...
Especially if you only have little legs.
Some people cheatYou can take a mule down, but where is the fun and achievement in that?

You might meet something scarey
... but probably not.

Some views from the trail
After we got back up from the trail, we showered and packed up ready to leave for Bryce Canyon. The furthest point on the so called "Loop of Lunacy". Our route was going to take us along the East side of the South rim of the canyon so we could visit all of the places we hadn't been able to yesterday.

Eastern rim views
If you look carefully you can just make out the Colorado river, which runs along the base of the canyon.

Elaine communing with Native Americans
Last stop on the Eastern rim drive was the watch tower that had been built for the park service in the 1920's. It had been decorated inside by Native Americans with their cultural images.

Proof of early technology
It looks as though the early Native Americans had electricity ... that is a 13amp plug socket, isn't it?

Road kill ?
Luckily the truck just missed him :)
After leaving the Grand Canyon at about midday, we drove through very desolate areas towards the Navajo bridge which is the only road crossing of the Grand Canyon between Hoover dam and Powell dam.

Marble Canyon
We finally reached Marble canyon, where the Navajo bridge crosses the Colorado river.

The Navajo bridge
There are in fact two bridges, one for people and one for vehicles.
(Yes that is Elaine on the bridge)

We saw at least 5 condors flying up and down the canyon, and above the bridge, huge birds!

The long (and not winding) road
After crossing the bridge we were on a massivly long road with almost no turn offs. How is this for a SatNav instruction .... "continue for 133 miles before turning right" !!

Not what you want to see behind you :(
The long empty roads (literally 50 miles with no other cars on our side of the road) led to perhaps a smidgeon over enthusiastic use of the gas pedal ... these "officers" must have nothing else to do than harass innocent motorists. An empty road you could have a 10 minute snooze on with no fear of being run over, and what do they do... hide over the brow of a hill to catch unsuspecting motorists :(
69mph in a 50mph zone. I say "zone" but this was the top of a smallish mountain pass with no buildings or turn offs within 20 miles ... they need to get a life.
Luckily, they hadn't seen our earlier attempts on the flat at breaking the speedo needle ...
Anyway, suffice to say the chase didn't last long, we just couldn't shake them off our tail and they cornered us:) Quite why it takes 2 large 4x4's and 2 officers to issue a ticket is a mystery, perhaps we looked dangerous?
We could contest the ticket and appear in court or pay it at the "local" courthouse, we chose to pay "the Man" :(
Just what you expect your local petrol station to sell
Having thanked the kind "officers" for the opportunity of being screwed over, we headed into town to pay the fine. Although "town" is perhaps too strong a word for it. As you can see they don't lack for shopping opportunities, and every other person probably shares a cousin (not in the biblical sense ...... actually it probably is in the biblical sense!). Even obeying the terribly slow speed restrictions in town, you could pass through it holding your breath.

The Accused
OK copper, you got me dead to rights :(
As you can see, Peter is very happy to be paying (no pun intended) the local justice of the peace a visit. He walked out $120 lighter.

The place from the song ... ie. where the buffalo roam
After our brush with the law, we ploughed on and took in the scenery.

Red Rock Canyon, near Bryce
We eventually got to Bryce around 19:00, brilliant evening light on the rocks. We are staying in a place called Tropic, which is even smaller than the "officers" home town from earlier. Forget holding your breath, you probably wouldn't have time to take a breath before you passed through it, but for all that it has its charms. Just nothing that opens after 20:30:(
So far so good on the "Loop of Lunacy", for those that asked, we will try to get Google map links on soon.
Driven today = 293 miles
Running total = 694 miles